Johor Bahru Candidate

The second largest city in Malaysia, Johor Bahru, is connected to Singapore via two bridges. Because of that, many Singaporeans visit the salon. The sales percentage coming from Singaporeans is about 70%. Due to the low price, many Singaporeans visit Johor Bahru and spend relatively large amount of money. Average spending per customer is high,

Jakarta candidate

The burgeoning city of Jakarta. The amount of people travelling the city is suffice to convince you that it is the center of Southeast Asia. There is still the impression of the income difference is so extreme that life varies greatly depending on where you spend it. Our customers in Jakarta are the high spending

Tokyo candidate

We have been running our beauty salon in Omotesando for 20 years. Tokyo, a place where many trends have been created is also a global city that embraces diversity. There are many foreigners working at restaurants and shops in Tokyo. Unfortunately, the beauty industry is yet to become global. Even so, many of our customers